You had to scroll all the way down to find it, didn't you? These per capita figures equate to $3,417 per student compared to a national average of $9,082. The American Council on Education predicts that Colorado funding of higher ed will reach $0 by 2019.
State funding of higher ed differs from Federal in that the state dollars go to the colleges and universities to be used for operating expenses, among other things. When Colorado decreases the dollars going to the schools, the schools have no choice but to pass on the cost to the consumer, in this case the student. At Bootstraps, we hope to alleviate this ever-increasing burden on young adults who desire to get ahead in life. To learn more about what we do, click here.
For those of you who have completed the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in the past for either yourself or a potential college attendee, you know how daunting filling it out can seem. Beginning in October 2016, students and their parents will be able to use prior prior years' (two years ago) tax information when completing the FAFSA. For the 2017 school year, the 2015 tax information will be used and automatically retrieved from the IRS. Not only does the process become simpler, but students will know three months sooner how much aid they might receive, making college choice easier. To read more in the Washington Post, click here.
December 2015
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