Bootstraps is an organization operated exclusively for tax exempt purposes as set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax identification number of Bootstraps is 84-0800861.
Nonprofit organizations are required under the Internal Revenue Code to make their tax returns public. There are many organizations that post nonprofit tax returns on their websites, such as Guide Star and Charity Navigator, but rather than make you search the internet, the tax returns (Form 990) of Bootstraps for the past eleven years are posted here.
How to Read an IRS Form 990
Nonprofit organizations are required under the Internal Revenue Code to make their tax returns public. There are many organizations that post nonprofit tax returns on their websites, such as Guide Star and Charity Navigator, but rather than make you search the internet, the tax returns (Form 990) of Bootstraps for the past eleven years are posted here.
How to Read an IRS Form 990